Monday, June 1, 2015

Appreciate Honesty From Other People

I can tell you from personal experience, I hate it when someone tells me what I am doing wrong in my life.

Automatically, my defenses goes up and a stubborn attitude emerges. Yet, after reading this little devotional, maybe it's time I did an attitude check on myself and not so much on others.

Maybe it's time I try to listen to what others are saying and use this mind set as a why of shifting through what people tell me. God uses people and sometimes, the words people use has a little bit of truth from God in them to help steer me into a new direction.

Yep, this one is for me today. Hopefully you will find it useful as well.

God Bless.

Appreciate Honesty from Other People

Everyone loves compliments, but very few know how to handle constructive criticism. No one likes to be wrong, which makes it hard when people are uncomfortably honest with us.

But we need to be thankful for honesty in other people. I once heard someone say, "Only two people will tell you the truth about yourself: someone who is angry with you and someone who loves you very much." God uses both types in our lives, but He especially uses the honesty of friends and loved ones.

When someone can, in love, honestly show you how you can improve, the results will be so much more valuable than empty, ego-stroking compliments. It's this kind of relationship that the Bible describes as 'iron sharpening iron.'

I urge you to be thankful for people who tell you the truth about yourself, even if it's not what you want to hear.

When you hear the truth, especially something you weren't aware of, you can change. Ultimately, their honesty will make you a better person.

Prayer Starter: Lord, thank You for placing truly honest people in my life. Their honesty may make me uncomfortable at times, but I know that when I listen to them, You can help me become a better person.

Devotional From Today published by ReFrame Media

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