Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Why We Ask Why

I came across this little devotional from my folder on my computer and I knew this one was for  me today and most days.

If I ever stopped asking why this is happening to me than either I've finally grown up or the Lord has called me home. I would hope it would be the latter.

I am so weak and so unbelievably without faith when crisis hits. Yet after reading this, I know it's time for me to grow up and say enough is enough. And replace the why with I believe.

If I did that I wonder how happier I would be not to mention my family and others around me. I need to start seeing it's not always about me but about others who are watching me act like a fool with her head cut off. Just maybe if I could believe I could change a person's life and become a soul winner instead of a crazed freaked out lunatic who can't keep it together longer than five minutes.

So I'm declaring I believe today!

God Bless.

Why We Ask 'Why?'

Do you ever find yourself in a tragic situation and asked God, 'Why? Why is this happening to me?'

For one moment, let's imagine that God actually answered that question. Would His explanation change anything? The effects of the tragedy would still be with you, and the pain would be just as severe as it was
before. What would you have learned?

When we ask God that question, I think the real questions we're asking are: 'God, do You love me? Will You take care of me in my sorrow and pain? You won't leave me alone, will You?' Is it possible that, because we're afraid God doesn't truly care about us, we ask for explanations?

Instead, we must learn to say: 'Lord, I believe. I don't understand, and I'll probably never grasp all the reasons bad things happen, but I know for certain that You love me and are with me, always.'

I believe it often takes more faith to go through something victoriously than to be delivered from it. Put your
faith in God and you'll come out stronger on the other side.

Prayer Starter: God, I believe in You, even when circumstances try to fill my mind with doubt. Help me to remember Your love for me and to put my faith in You, no matter what happens.

Author Unknown 

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