Monday, September 21, 2015

5 Stages of Growing Through Life Challenges

This little devotional packs a powerful punch especially when you are right in the middle of a storm and you just don't know what to do and you feel like your world has just came to an end.

This little devotional gives you a checklist of all the things one feels and goes unspoken.

But you know, I know a God who doesn't get upset when we question Him or when we scream at Him, or even when you tell Him to go to hell.

Surely, I can't be the only one who has ever question God and His way's.

I know a lot of people think it's not Christian if you question and you should just take the storm and blah, blah, and blah.

However, if your a real person with real emotions, you've broken down, and threw a temper tantrum.

Know it's okay and God's not mad. He loves you more than you can possibly know and life challenges is just part of life and it's okay to deal with what life sets before you like the person you are and it helps if you have encouragement like this little devotional.

God Bless.

"5 Stages of Growing Through Life Challenges"

When we face life challenges, we must find a way not only to survive them, but in time, to actually grow from them. We must find a way to keep on keeping on, no matter how hard or painful life becomes. As a result, we can avoid getting "stuck" and live life in spite of our circumstances.

It is my prayer and hope that you will consider the following principles and apply them to your particular life challenge(s). It may be a difficult time in your life right now, and it may take a significant amount of time to make progress, but if you start right where you are, and just concentrate on taking the very next step, you will eventually be able to grow through your life challenge as well.

Step by step...we can do this!

1. Grieve the way you want -Know what to expect -Don't ignore your grief -Don't let anyone take your grief away from you -Run to Jesus -Be determined to keep on keeping on daily

2. Ask God "Why?" -When the pain is deep, "Why?" is the most natural question to ask -Jesus Christ asked God "Why?" -God does not owe you an answer -Even if He gave you an answer, you would more than likely disagree -As we search for the answer, our goal is to develop a relationship with The Answer

3. Keep living -Never use your life challenge as a crutch -Get out of bed every day -Keep up family responsibilities and relationships -Be grateful for those who are still alive in your life -Treasure the breath of life you have at this moment

4. Reach out to others -Remember the love, encouragement, and comfort you have received -Pass it on -It is extra meaningful to receive encouragement from others who are also hurting -Turn on your microphone -Have an outreach plan, and in reach plan, if necessary

5. Sing it loud and proud -Never waste your life challenge education -Take inventory of the treasures God has given you -Life a life of significance from this day forward -Rediscover your melody -Sing through the storm, like never before.

Singing Through The Storm Devotional

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