Wednesday, September 2, 2015

A Personal Computer

I always thought I could see myself as a personal computer. I know alot of stuff goes in, but I'm not necessary proud of what comes out.

So when I saw this little devotional, I couldn't wait to see how the author had to say and I must say I was quite impress and moved to dig deeper in my walk.

I love this devotional and wanted to share it. Be aware, for me at least, this was thought provoking, and very timely for me life.

God Bless.

A Personal Computer

“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Romans 12:2, NIV

If you ever have dealt with computers, you know that once in a while it needs to be cleaned, non-applicable temp files and folders needs to be removed and a general check for unnecessary data is needed regularly. 

This is what happens to us when we decide to give our lives to Jesus. We need to clear out trash, empty temp folders, add virus detection and in some difficult cases, and just format the whole thing.

Even though computers are nothing compared to God’s precious gift, there are still a lot of similarities. We need to teach our brain new ways of thinking and reacting and we need to get rid of unnecessary baggage and infected files. This is not an easy task or a speedy one either, but essential for us to be able to continue on the faith path. Studying the Bible, praying, worship, Christian support groups and friends will gradually 
learn our brain on how to live this new life. The Holy Spirit is crucial in renewing our minds, He is the one who will do it in cooperation with us. All we need to do is ask Him.

Prayer: Lord, please help me in the renew my mind, so that I can grow up in my faith to be a mature spiritually. Thank you for not leaving me alone with this task, but help me day after day and lead me through Your Word. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
(Read 1 Peter 2:1-3)
A sincere thanks to our Contributing Devotional Writers.
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Daughters of the King

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