Monday, April 3, 2017

For He Loves Us

For he loves us with unfailing love; the LORD's faithfulness endures forever. Praise the LORD! (NLT) -Psalm 117:2
When things go wrong and my prayers don't get answered I have tendency to get mad and throw a fit and screaming on top of my lungs why does God hate me.
This truly shows how much I don't know the God I claim to serve. However, after searching and determination and learning who I am in Christ, I now know that God doesn't hate me.
My thought life couldn't be further from the truth but thank God, my heart never succumb to my flesh.
So let us remember today and in the days to come, God doesn't hate us when we don't do something He's asked us to, or when the battle is worse than we think we can handle, or if we sin, or have unpleasant thoughts. He knows we are only human and that is why we need Him.
God Bless.
Do you secretly think God hates you? Do you see God as someone who is just waiting for you to mess up? Beware, this is a false thought. He loves you without any conditions. He chases you down to show you His never-ending love. He is faithful and loyal. You are loved very much. Don't ever forget this because no one could love you more than God. Download this app to get your daily devotions:

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