Tuesday, April 4, 2017

I Love You Brother

I have to admit, I don't have a good relationship with my sister and brother. Not by my choice by any means but circumstances that beyond my control.
And I know I need to forgive them but the wounds run deep. And the more I seem to forgive something else pops up from deep within.
I also know that the hurts from my family effects how I treat others. I also understand how important forgiveness is but Lord it's so hard to do and lots of times I don't want to or have any intentions to.
But thankfully I have a loving Father who understands my pain and waits patiently for me to get my crap together.
The power of forgiveness and the ability to love others is a goal I purpose to achieve.
God Bless.
“I Love You, Brother.”
by Kenneth Copeland
“And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have aught against any.” Mark 11:25
“Brother Copeland, some time ago I was deeply hurt by another Christian. I’ve tried to forgive, yet every time I see that person, I still feel angry and resentful. Will I ever be able to truly forgive?” I’ve been asked that question many times. And the answer is, “Yes, you can, and you must!” Unforgiveness is downright dangerous. It will make your spirit feeble and your prayers ineffective. It will pull the plug on your faith so completely that you won’t have enough power to move the molehills in your life—much less the mountains. In Mark 11, Jesus didn’t say, “When you stand praying, try to forgive” or “When you stand praying, forgive if you can.”
He simply said, “Forgive.” Period. Jesus made forgiveness a command. It would be unjust for Him to command us to do something we couldn’t do. So you can be sure it’s within your power to obey His command and forgive—no matter how badly you’ve been wronged. Most people don’t realize it, but unforgiveness is actually a form of fear. Quite often we don’t forgive because we’re afraid of getting hurt again. We’re afraid we’re never going to recover from the damage that person has done to our lives. If you want to freely forgive, get rid of those fears. Cleanse yourself from them by the “washing of water by the word” (Ephesians 5:26).
Fill your mind and heart with promises of God that apply to your situation. If you’ll do that, I can assure you from my own experience, your feelings will change. It may not happen overnight...but it will happen. One of these days, almost without thinking, you’ll throw your arms around that person, give him a big hug and say, “I love you, Brother.” What’s more, you’ll mean it from the bottom of your heart.
Speak the Word “I forgive those whom I have anything against so that my prayers are not hindered.” —Mark 11:25
Need prayer? Call 817-852-6000. We’re here for you, 24/7!
Also, visit www.kcm.org/youversion to receive a free gift from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland.

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