Friday, April 21, 2017

Whenever We Have The Opportunity

We should do good not only to our family but to everyone we meet.
Most of the time people stop there and don't finish the verse. For the verse continues on to day we should do good to those who believe as we do.
Somehow we seem to think people of faith doesn't have a need or if they do, they should beef up their faith. But truth be told, everyone has a need some point in their life and if we need the voice of God, He will point us to others, always. We just need to do our part and listen going forth in love to all mankind.
God Bless.
Therefore, whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone--especially to those in the family of faith. (NLT) -Galatians 6:10
This verse doesn't talk about just praying for good or pushing others to do good, it says we ourselves should step up and DO good. Maybe this means we take phone calls we don't want, step up and serve a friend in need, or go outside of our comfort zone.
Be ready to serve in action when the opportunity comes.
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