Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Emmaus Road

What would you do if you were the disciples who was walking on Emmanus Road?
Me personally, I would have be freaking out and probably wouldn't have heard a word Jesus said.
Don't judge me. If it weren't for these two disciples who had kept their wits about them, we would miss an important part of history and the meaning in the words Jesus was trying to convey.
The problem we have today, are we truly seeing truth and getting the meaning behind the experience.that took place on Emmaus Road.
God Bless.

Emmaus Road: Walking Enlightened
Scripture Reading: Luke 24:25-27 Beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself. - Luke 24:27
Two disciples trudge home to Emmaus. As they walk, they discuss together the events of the past few days. They wonder what might have happened if Jesus had not died. Suddenly Jesus joins them out of nowhere. He blesses them with his presence, and yet for some reason they’re kept from recognizing him. The resurrected Jesus listens to their story as he walks along with them. Then he enlightens them, explaining what the Scriptures have said about him. He probably explained how the exodus from Egypt pointed to redemption from sin’s slavery and how the many prophets pointed to the Messiah. He likely explained many things that would have opened their eyes to see that the Messiah himself was walking with them. They needed ears to hear, divine interpretation to help them understand, and God-given faith. They still didn’t recognize him—but they soon would. No one can discover the Savior by themselves; he reveals himself to us. Faith is God’s gift, enabling us to understand the Scriptures, which tell the story of our salvation. So let’s learn all we can from this Word, trusting he will enlighten us as he did our friends on the Emmaus Road. Then we too can recognize our Savior walking with us. Prayer: Teach us, O Lord, how to walk our road in life. Forgive our failure to see you, hear you, and learn of you. Give us faith to live for you, we pray. In your name, Amen.
Norman F. Brown

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