Wednesday, June 7, 2017

For Ever Since The World Was Created

I never really stopped to.think about the call nature play's in the scheme of God's plan.
Sure, I like to be outside, without the bugs of course, and I love to camp, and I've read Genesis so much over the years, I felt like I had a handle on nature.
It want until I came across this little.devotional where I got s good dose of reality and stopped to think about where nature fell on God's list of prorities.
I must admit, it's pretty high up there after all, the bible does tell us the rocks will cry out if we don't get our act together.
And I, for one, am not settling for second place when I was called to subdue the earth. 
God Bless.
For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God. (NLT) -Romans 1:20
Nature in all its splendor is beautiful. The power of water carving out the Grand Canyon, the vast and countless varieties of birds, the never-ending tide of the ocean, or the beauty of a sunset, each is glorious. They were all created to serve a purpose to point out Gods eternal power. We can look around us and see God. Its important to not get caught up in the creation and miss out on the Creator. When you hear the birds chirp today think of it as a song of praise to God and say thank you.
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