Friday, December 7, 2018

A New Commandment

Although the elections are over for this year, I still feel as if this little devotional is for today.
We, as the Christian, need to lead by example not only during the election and the politics of it all but also in all those days afterward. There is a world watching and waiting for us to rise up, take back our land, move the world by our beliefs and compassion, and make the King of Kings known all the while shouting from the mountain top that He lives!
God Bless.
So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. (NLT) -John 13:34
In a time when politics abound and culture is at war with itself, how do we react? Should we jump in the middle, pick a side, and point fingers? Do we volley attacks at our own brothers and sisters who think differently? The first rule of thumb is to not pass judgment. Then, seriously determine what is the most loving response, one that would inspire others. Couldn't this world use a bit more love?
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