Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Learn And Do

I know I have said it before but preach it Joyce! 

Wisdom overflow right here in this little devotional.

Let us become a doer!

God Bless.

Learn and Do

by Joyce Meyer

Pray that the LORD your God will show us what to do and where to go . . . Whether we like it or not, we will obey the LORD our God to whom we are sending you with our plea. For if we obey him, everything will turn out well for us. 
—Jeremiah 42:3, 6 NLT

According to the Scripture above, when the Israelites asked Jeremiah to speak to God on their behalf, they had already decided they were going to learn what to do, and, no matter what it was, they were going to do it.
I wonder what would happen if people today had this same attitude every single time they sat anywhere the Word was being preached. What would your life be like if every time you went to church or listened to a teaching CD or read the Bible you had the mind-set,Whatever I learn today, I’m going to do it!
James 4:17 says if we know what to do and don’t do it, that is sin. The wrong things we commit are sin, but the right things we omit are also sin. Make a decision to be a “doer” of God’s Word, and not merely a “hearer.”
Power Thought: I obey God promptly.

From the book the book Power Thoughts Devotional by Joyce Meyer. Copyright © 2013 by Joyce Meyer. Published by FaithWords. All rights reserved.

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