Friday, July 19, 2019

Powerful Words Of Inspiration

Time for a refresher course:
The bible is the inspiration to all things and are words to live by.
Let us all get reacquainted with one of the  things that can bring the dead to life again.
God Bless.
Powerful Words of Inspiration
God’s Word is never static; it speaks differently to every person. Sometimes I read an old beloved Bible verse and all of a sudden the words inspire me in a way I have never experienced before. And every time it is the exact message I needed at that moment. The Bible takes my breath away each time I study it.  In Hebrews, the Word is compared to the scalpel of a surgeon—a Word full of power and energy that cuts deeply into our inner being and exposes our deepest motives. It leaves us “naked and exposed” (NLT) before God, from whom we cannot hide anything. It takes effort to experience the inspiration locked up in the Word. This means that you will need to set aside extra time for Bible study, use more than one Bible translation and invest in a Bible commentary or two (or three!).  It certainly requires more than just randomly opening your Bible to read a verse before starting your day. However, changing your quiet time habits will open up a pipeline of inspiration you never dreamed of.
Prayer Heavenly Father, how wonderful is Your Word! It is heavenly manna without which Your children cannot survive. I attest to the inspiration it is to me every day. Unlock Your Word for me anew through the working of Your Holy Spirit. Amen.
-Author Unknown

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