Thursday, July 11, 2019

You Are Favored

You are favored just like the title said and if you don't believe me, well, I hope the words below will be of encouragement for you in some capacity in your walk with the Lord.
Cause God knows, we all can use some encouragement to live by.
God Bless.
You Are Favored
When the angel told Mary that she was favored by God, she was astounded. At first glance that would not be the first thing that came to mind: She was a simple young woman who grew up in a rural town, without status or education. 
She was probably between thirteen and sixteen years of age, as that was the age at which young women typically got engaged and married in those times. God, however, sees her as mature and adequate enough to be the mother of His Child. Today, God comes to you with the same message—you too are favored by God. If you believe in Jesus, His favor rests on you. And because Jesus died in your place, you are now good enough.
This gift of love can change your life!  Just as it did for Mary, this message takes one’s breath away. As she did, we too realize we can never live up to the standards the Bible has set. But God makes it possible for us—and the angel reminds Mary that with God nothing is impossible (see Luke 1:37). God wants to use you in His plan, just as He used Mary. Reach out to the people around you with the love of God and be merciful to them as God is merciful to you.
Prayer Heavenly Father, how wonderful it is to know that I am blessed and favored by You, because of Your grace. Amen.

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