Monday, February 24, 2020

Working For God

Love this. Love the  concept the author is trying to convey in this little devotional.

Right now, my family and I are living some sort of this. We are doing the right thing in a matter while others are getting away somethings and seem to prospering while we are left wondering what is happening Lord? Did you forget about us?

So when I came across this little devotional, I grabbed hold of the hope written. 

And surely I am not the only one where it looks like your getting screwed and is hanging by a thread and your left wondering where God is.

Be encouraged, God will not let us down.

God Bless.

"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men," - (Colossians 3:23)

This section of Colossians is titled:

Character of the Christian life. It is a rule for holy living. No matter how they laugh at you, scorn or scoff at you, call you an idiot, you still keep doing the right thing. You show up for work on time after you've being up all night with a sick child, you prepare your husband's meals even though he's having an affair and you clock in your normal volunteer hours although you are not recognized for what you do. It hurts sometimes, but keep working for God regardless of what men say or do, He is your rewarder.

-Author Unknown 

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