Monday, March 16, 2020

My Times Are In Your Hands

This is for all of us who just need to hear God say, I got you.

God Bless.

“My times are in Your hands…” Psalm 31:15, Berean Study Bible.

“Your times and seasons are in My hand. Your times and seasons change according to My plan. I know where you are and I know where I’m taking you. Every season is important. In every season you are learning more and more about Me and who you are in Me. Don’t rush through the seasons of your life. In the Winter, draw near to Me and receive My warmth. In the Spring, watch how I make everything new for you. In the Summer, the heat will not scorch you. I will protect you. You will not thirst if you drink from My well that never runs dry. In the Fall, things are shaken and fall away, but you will not be moved. You have received a kingdom that can never be shaken or moved. As long as you are in Me, you will be immovable like a tree. You have been planted on a firm foundation in Me and though seasons change in your life, I never change and nor will you. No matter the changing seasons, your faith in Me shall remain. Your spirit shall remain. Your hope in Me shall remain unchanging. Says the Spirit of the Lord.”

(Scripture References Psalms 1:1-3; Ecclesiastes 3:1; Hebrews 12:28)

-Author Unknown 

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