Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Want To Bless Others?

After reading this, I can't help but wonder if we have done the whole blessing others thing all wrong or maybe my duh moment has been because I truly don't understand the blessing concept. 

Have we made it to difficult so we just don't give it a second thought when we pass by people who may or may not be in need? 

Or maybe, this little devotional caused my lightbulb moment because I am too selfish and I only care about what and who I want to.

Whatever the reason, I should be ashamed of myself as to taking the act of blessing others and putting it on the back shelve without really ever wanting to think about it again.

It only takes one person, one thought, and one action to change the world.

God Bless.

Want To Bless Others?

In our everyday lives we meet, greet, and chat with our friends, neighbors, and co-workers. These may be brief moments and the conversation is quick and easy. In this brief encounter, we may never know what is going on in their lives but we have an opportunity to speak life and blessing upon our friends and loved ones. When the Lord told Moses to address the priesthood with this blessing, we understand the force and divine impartation of this sacred verse. This is not a typical cultural saying or traditional pleasantry phrase, but it is a divinely granted blessing from heaven above to the recipient. Why not bless someone today and let God do His work?

Prayer: This day, Lord, let me be a channel of spoken blessing upon someone’s life. You know every heart and life circumstance of those I will meet today. May Your words bring life and blessing to those You send my way. Amen.

-Author Unknown 

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