Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Be Slow To Anger

In times like this, we don't need to loose control and allow anger to run a muck in our live.

People are watching us more than ever and how we manage our emotions will determine what kind of witness you will be known for.

Be known for your God-fearing faith then step back and watch what God will do for you and through you.

God Bless.

Be Slow To Anger

We all can probably relate to having reacted in a manner that didn’t reflect who we are in a moment of anger. This is the knowledge being imparted in this passage of Scripture. We are most likely to make foolish decisions when we react without thought for our actions or words. The Bible encourages us to be slow to speak because often times we speak without thought for our words.

Prayer: Father, help me to realize the impact of my words and actions. Help me to be slow to speak to avoid saying something foolish. You have given me a spirit of self-control, therefore, strengthen me to control my quick temper. Amen.

-Author Unknown 

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