Monday, July 20, 2020

Quote Of The Day - You Have To Realize

For all of us who think Tom, Dick, and Harry has it better than we do and for all of us who think God has forgotten us but really we lack knowledge and obedience to do what God tells us to do. 

Boiling down even more: the lack of confidence we have for ourselves and not seeing who we are through God's eyes. Yeah, that about sums it up in a nutshell.

God Bless.

Quote of the Day -Joyce Meyer

“you have to realize that you don’t have someone else’s life and your never going to. You better start loving the one you got. Embrass the life you have and stop wishing that you could be someone else. Just stop all that and start saying “God here I am. Do what you want to do with me”.” 

– Joyce Meyer

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