Sunday, January 31, 2021

Think About What You're Thinking About

Huh, what a concept. This little devotional needs to be pondered.

God Bless.

Think About What You're Thinking About

Have you ever taken an inventory of your thought life? It can be a very valuable exercise. In Ephesians 4, we're told to put off our old nature and put on the new nature. But how do we do that? The answer is in verse 23: And be constantly renewed in the spirit of your mind ... That's why it's so important that we learn how to think things on purpose.

Today's Scripture:

I will meditate on Your precepts and have respect to Your ways [the paths of life marked out by Your law]. Psalm 119:15 AMPC



If you want to be a success and to prosper in all of your dealings, the Bible says you must meditate on the Word of God day and night.



Living with Hope that Never Disappoints

Do you have hope for your future? Or do you generally expect negative or disappointing things to happen? Learn to become a prisoner of hope! Read more



Scriptures for a Sound Mind

Gain insight from Joyce as she teaches us how to understand what God is saying about our lives. Read More

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Thinking Is Great, Doing Is Better

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

There Is Nothing You And God Can't Handle

You know the one. The one Scripture almost everyone can quote: with God all things are possible and this little devotional is it's tag team partner.  
God won't leave you and together,  nothing can or will stand in your way.

God Bless.


When life gets challenging or something negative occurs, there’s the temptation to fear the worst. The enemy wants us to feel overwhelmed and believe it’s too much for us to handle.

However, when the unexpected happens, I want to remind you what God says: You are stronger than you think.

Philippians 4:13 (NIV) says, I can do all things through him [Christ] who gives me strength. What you’re experiencing now may seem overwhelming and too big for you to handle, but it’s not too big for God!

-Author Unknown 

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Think Thankful

This year, a little less complaining and a whole lot more thankfulness.  Make sure your filling your thankfulness cup daily.

God Bless.

Think Thankful

When do we offer thanksgiving? At all times—in every situation, in all things—and by so doing we enter into a victorious life where the devil cannot control us!

Today's Scripture:

Through Him, therefore, let us constantly and at all times offer up to God a sacrifice of praise, which is the fruit of lips that thankfully acknowledge and confess and glorify His name. [Lev. 7:12; Isa. 57:19; Hos. 14:2.] Hebrews 13:15 AMPC



Think about the things you have to be thankful for every day. Thank the Lord for them in prayer, and as you do you will find your heart filling up with life and light.



Thankfulness: The Key to Having the Life You Really Want

If you want victory in your life, all you have to do is adopt one attitude. Read more

How To Upset Your Enemy

Good information to know below. May you find it as interesting as I have.

God Bless.

How to Upset Your Enemy

Satan is “the father of lies and half-truths” (John 8:44 AMP). Through careful strategy and cunning deceit, Satan attempts to set up ‘strongholds’ in our mind. These strongholds hold us captive to fear, doubt, confusion and every other negative way of thinking. But Jesus came to set us free! He said that if we “abide” in His Word, we will upset the enemy’s plans and experience real freedom in Christ (see John 8:31-32 AMP). In other words, when we regularly take time to study God’s Word and apply it to our lives, we will know the Truth and recognize the lies of the enemy.

Today's Scripture:

…If you abide in My word [continually obeying My teachings and living in accordance with them, then] you are truly My disciples. And you will know the truth [regarding salvation], and the truth will set you free [from the penalty of sin].” John 8:31-32



Satan takes our circumstances and builds strongholds in our lives—he wages war on the battlefield of the mind. But thank God, we have weapons to tear down the strongholds. If you have strongholds in your life that need to be broken, let me encourage you by saying, “God is on your side.”



How to Win Daily Battles of the Mind

God’s Word is greater than the lies of the enemy! Learn how to change your thinking and enjoy freedom in every area. Read more

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Don't Waste Today


Lord, teach us to number our day's. 

God Bless.

Don't Waste Today

Sadly, very few people know how to live each day to the fullest. But you can be one of them! Don't spend today worrying about tomorrow. You have enough things going on today; it needs all of your attention. God's grace is on you to handle whatever you need for today, but tomorrow's grace will not come until tomorrow comes - so don't waste today!

Today's Scripture:

Therefore do not worry and be anxious, saying, What are we going to have to eat? or, What are we going to have to drink? or, What are we going to have to wear? Matthew 6:31 AMPC



I don't know yet what I am going to do in my situation, but God does know and that is good enough for me. He will give me direction at the right time.



The Cause and Cure for Worry

Why do we worry? It sure doesn't get us anywhere! You can cast your cares on the One who cares for you. Read more

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Don't Give Up

There is too much at stake. You are needed and have a purpose so don't give up!

God Bless.

Don't Give Up

Whether you've already seen incredible breakthrough in your thought-life or you still have a long way to go, don't give up! Because no matter how bad things may seem, it is possible to regain the territory the enemy has taken from you. If necessary, regain it one inch at a time, always leaning on God's grace and not your own ability to get the desired results.

Today's Scripture:

And let us not lose heart and grow weary and faint in acting nobly and doing right, for in due time and at the appointed season we shall reap, if we do not loosen and relax our courage and faint. Galatians 6:9 AMPC



Whatever you may be facing or experiencing in your life, I am encouraging you to go through it and not give up!



What to Do If You're Tired of Toughing It Out

Your thoughts influence your perspective. So if your situation looks bad, you can be positive! Learn to train your brain to stay optimistic. Read more

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled

Amen! And Stand Firm! 

God Bless.


When life feels overwhelming, there’s only one place we can go for true, lasting peace—Jesus Christ. He is the “Prince of Peace” (see Isaiah 9:6) and the Bible says He’s our shelter in the storm. (see Isaiah 4:6).

I used to think that the way to have peace was to get rid of all my problems. It was a wonderful day when the Lord helped me realize that I could come to Him for peace in the midst of my problems.

When you feel worried and anxious, I know it’s easy to panic and allow fear to take over. That’s when you need to slow down, get still and focus on Jesus.

-Author Unknown 

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Encouragement For Difficult Times

Bible Verse on Encouragement in stressful situations - Joyce Meyer

Encouragement in Difficult Times

- by Joyce Meyer


We don't have to be miserable, frustrated and unhappy in difficult places. If you and I have been in the world very long, we've learned there are very few days that go exactly the way we'd like them to go. There always seem to be different things happening that can affect our plans. Until we learn that our joy can't be based on our circumstances, we're going to have nothing but what I call a “yo-yo” experience, which is up and down, up and down, up and down. We have to find a way to stay happy, even when our circumstances don't suit us or we don't get a breakthrough as quickly as we'd like—or when people around us aren't what we'd like them to be or they're frustrating us or there's disappointment. 

God is never going to put us into a situation or permit us to be in one, without giving us the ability to be in it with joy. I believe God makes His grace available to us each and every day. If God asks us to stay in a situation, then He is going to give us a special grace, for a special season, to experience His peace and joy despite the circumstances. It's the kind of grace that causes other people to look at us and think, I'm just amazed you are able to do this and still have so much joy and peace. This is how it should be instead of us telling them that we just don't think we can make it.

Let Your Attitude Speak

As Christians, I believe the attitude we live with and the level of joy, peace and stability seen in our life is what will speak to the people around us much more than if we try to preach to them. It's about how we live our life in front of them, especially when things are not going perfectly for us all the time. 

For people in places right now who are saying, “I'm staying in the situation because I believe it's what God wants me to do, but I'm so miserable, frustrated and unhappy,” there's good news. The good news is that God has provided a way for us to deal with frustration—His grace. I know many times we hear that grace is God's riches at Christ's expense, and that's a good definition. But to be honest, it's just a little bit too spiritual for me. I need something that's going to put it into a practical format for me. I like to define grace as “God's power to help us do whatever it is we need to do.”

Receive Power Through God's Grace

Grace is power. It's power, power, power! It's God's power we receive by the grace of God through faith. Everything comes to us through faith, which God also gives us. 

Romans 12:3 says, ...God has allotted to each a measure of faith (NASB). We need to ask ourselves, What am I doing with my faith? Are we putting our faith in ourselves? Are we trying to fix things ourselves by trying to change ourselves or our family?  Or trying to get our boss's attention so we can make more money and get a promotion? If so, that's not grace. It's our own works.

But when we release our faith and trust God to do what we can't do, we're putting our faith in Him. Then the grace—which is God's power—comes through the channel of faith and enables us to do what will just amaze us and other people. 

Here's my longer definition of grace: It's God's power coming to us freely—meaning it doesn't cost us anything other than just putting our faith in God, enabling us to do with ease what we could never do on our own with any amount of struggle and effort.

Rely on God

I believe every time we feel frustration, it means we've really stopped relying on God, leaning on Him, and receiving His grace and are trying to make something happen our own way. Understanding this really helped me see that I spent a lot of time being frustrated. To help myself, I had some signs made to put up around my house that said things like, "Works of the flesh equal frustration." Every time I became frustrated, the signs helped me remember I had tried to become Holy Spirit Junior.  When I try to work things out on my own, in essence I'm saying, "Okay, God, I appreciate You being around, but watch me do this." 

Most of us have a problem with an independent spirit. We have difficulty depending on God for everything. Grace is not only the power for salvation; it's the victory we need every single day of our life.  

In Galatians 2, the Bible says that if we receive salvation by grace, we shouldn't think we're going to reach perfection by depending on our flesh. It's like thinking that God saves us and helps us when we're at the end of ourselves and ready to give up, then just kind of throws us the ball and says, "Okay, now you go make the touchdown."

Keep Walking

The same way we receive Christ is the same way we are supposed to live each day of our life—in total, complete dependence on Him. Grace is like light. But what we tend to do a lot of the time is fight with darkness, when all we need to do is just run to the light. What's the purpose of gathering in the dark, banging into each other, struggling with the darkness and trying to punch it out, when all we have to do is turn on a switch? The minute the light comes on, it swallows up the darkness.

Too often we struggle with ourselves and our weaknesses, trying to change, spending time being mad about things in our life. But what we really need to do is just get more light into the situation. 

Galatians 5:16 (AMPC) urges us to walk and live [habitually] in the [Holy] Spirit...then you will certainly not gratify the cravings and desires of the flesh.... Notice how it doesn't say "conquer the flesh so you can walk in the Spirit."

What we need to do is walk in the Spirit. When we concentrate on walking in the Spirit, we won't fulfill the lust of the flesh because we will be focused on God, His goodness, our relationship with Him, and His love for us. Other things will just dissipate because of the power of God in our life. Grace is power—plain and simple. It's the power of God available to us in whatever amount we need.

Everyone needs encouragement from time to time. May this do just that.

God Bless.

Monday, January 18, 2021

Prayers For Spiritual Growth


Prayers For Spiritual Growth

Prayers for Spiritual Growth

- by Joyce Meyer

Do you want to grow, but don't know how? The solution is simple: Learn the Word.

Ephesians 3:16 Strengthen me in the inner man.

Ephesians 3:17 That I may be rooted deep in love and founded securely on love.

Ephesians 3:18 Let me grasp God’s love – the breadth and length and height and depth of it.

Ephesians 3:19 That I might be filled through all my being with the fullness of God.

Ephesians 3:19 That I might become a body wholly filled and flooded with God Himself.

Philippians 3:10 That I may “know” Him and the power of His resurrection.

Ephesians 1:17 That He might grant me a spirit of wisdom and revelation.

Ephesians 1:18 That the eyes of my heart be flooded with light.

Ephesians 1:19 That I might know the greatness of His power in me.

Philippians 1:10 That I may learn to sense what is vital and of real value.

Philippians 1:11 That I may abound and be filled with the fruits of righteousness.

John 17:12 That He will keep and protect me from the evil one.

Colossians 1:9 That I may know God’s will.

Colossians 1:11-12 That I may be strengthened with all power, [to exercise] every kind of endurance and patience with joy, giving thanks.

The words and scriptures will make us closer to the one who created us. Who doesn't need to be closer to Him? For He is all we need.

God Bless.