Tuesday, January 5, 2021

The Righteousness Of God Brings

This is a great little devotional to start the new year out.

It really get's you not only thinking but also looking at your surroundings and the people within it. 

I believe God wants to do a new thing and what better way than start with the family legacy and all that brings with it.

God Bless.

Read Genesis 5

The righteousness of God requires a judgment on sin — death. But, because of God’s great love for us, He has provided His Son to die in our place. Think about where you would be without God’s love and sacrifice.

Thinking through your own family’s genealogy, make a list of those in your family who have passed on a spiritual legacy. Make a second list of those who have not yet come to know Christ. Spend time in prayer giving Him glory.

-Author Unknown 

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