Monday, January 4, 2021

Extending Love To Others

Let us make 2021 where the love of God is spread like confetti.

God Bless.

“Extending Love to Others”

With a vibrant and growing love for God at work in our lives, our capacity to love other people will inherently grow as well. With a maturing love for others comes a growing desire to demonstrate that love, thus fulfilling one of the most important purposes for which God created us – to do good works for others.

It has been in God’s plan all along that we accompany love with action. Each one of us has a place in God’s master plan to touch the lives of others through good deeds.

Each time we touch the life of another with a kind word, respond to a certain need, or just simply lend an attentive ear to a hurting heart, we not only express our love, but God’s love for them through us. In this way, we become key agents to shine God’s glory brightly to a world that is otherwise filled with darkness and hopelessness.

Shining our light is really allowing God’s light to shine through us. There are three important ways to shine God’s glory to others:

1. Be an effective witness;
2. Serve others;
3. Fellowship with Christians.

Putting our faith into action in these three ways enables others to experience God’s love, grace and mercy, all to His glory.

-Author Unknown 

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