Thursday, April 15, 2021

God Is Sovereign

Insightful. May you find some hope and encouragement in these words.

God Bless. 

God Is Sovereign

God is good. But a good God who is powerless in the face of our circumstances would not inspire much faith. What about a good God who rules every corner of the universe? 

Our God is above all things, before all things, and upholds all things.

That makes Him sovereign. What does that mean?

Being sovereign means God is not one god among many. He is Lord of lords, King of kings, the ultimate power and authority over every other power and authority. He isn’t subject to the whims of kings and presidents, to twists of fate, or to the law of the universe. He is the law of the universe. 

“I am the first and I am the last; apart from me there is no God” (Isaiah 44:6).

When you understand that, you know that you can trust Him completely.

·  You can trust that His promises aren’t empty words.

·  You can know He hears your prayers and has the power and will to act on them.

·  You can be assured that He holds your tomorrows in His hands.

·  You can worship Him, being certain He is worthy of it.

·  You can follow Him as Lord without fear of being let down.

·  You can live in the security of His wisdom, love, and power.

The word sovereignty may not be particularly warm. But seeing the real God as Lord over everything will give your faith an unshakeable foundation.

-Author Unknown 

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