Sunday, April 18, 2021


Who doesn't like homework? 

May these words and scripture reading speak to your soul. There is such a need to strengthen and keep our faith strong, and may this little devotional help with that.

God Bless. 

THE COUNCIL AT JERUSALEM                                                      

PRAY  Ask God to quiet your spirit and remove any distractions from your mind so you can focus on being with him.

READ  Acts 15

REFLECT  Have you experienced a disagreement with another Christian? What was the problem? How was it resolved? What did you learn from it?

APPLY  Think of a major disagreement you had or still have—in your church or family. Distill some principles from this passage and use them to try for a resolution.

PRAY  Lord, I want to be a peacemaker, not quarrelsome. Show me how to begin with situations around me.

-Author Unknown 

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