Monday, May 31, 2021

I Know The Plans

Oh, I so needed this right now! 

Standing in faith for not only myself but for any and all who struggle like I do.

God Bless. 

"For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope." (NLT) -Jeremiah 29:11 

Do you worry about tomorrow? Remember that God has a beautiful plan for you. Simply do your best in the things that you know, and lean on God for the worries that are out of your control. God may not give you your version of a perfect day tomorrow, but have faith that He has bigger plans for you in due time. 

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Sunday, May 30, 2021

Prayer Marathon

God Bless. 

Prayer Marathon
Poh Fang Chia
Pray continually. 1 Thessalonians 5:17
Do you struggle to maintain a consistent prayer life? Many of us do. We know that prayer is important, but it can also be downright difficult. We have moments of deep communion with God and then we have times when it feels like we’re just going through the motions. Why do we struggle so in our prayers?
The life of faith is a marathon. The ups, the downs, and the plateaus in our prayer life are a reflection of this race. And just as in a marathon we need to keep running, so we keep praying. The point is: Don’t give up!
That is God’s encouragement too. The apostle Paul said, “pray continually” (1 Thess. 5:17), “keep on praying” (Rom. 12:12 nlt), and “devote yourselves to prayer” (Col. 4:2). All of these statements carry the idea of remaining steadfast and continuing in the work of prayer.
And because God, our heavenly Father, is a personal being, we can develop a time of close communion with Him, just as we do with our close human relationships. A. W. Tozer writes that as we learn to pray, our prayer life can grow “from the initial most casual brush to the fullest, most intimate communion of which the human soul is capable.” And that’s what we really want—deep communication with God. It happens when we keep praying.
Dear Father, we often struggle to spend time with You. Help us to make the time, and help us sense Your goodness and presence.
There is never a day when we don’t need to pray.
The Wycliffe Bible Commentaryprovides illumination on how Paul’s concluding prayer in 1 Thessalonians 5:23–24 summarizes key points covered in this epistle: “Paul embraces all his exhortations in a prayer for sanctification, and assures the believers that a faithful God will answer it. . . . Though human surrender and obedience are necessary, sanctification is essentially a divine work (cf. Rom. 15:16; Eph. 5:26). Wholly (holoteleis)implies that no part is lacking; the whole person is to be kept blameless.” Every aspect of human nature is to be made whole in Christ. 

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Be Numbered Among The Undevourable

Oh, this is so good! Take time to really read it, then devour it by meditating on it, and then live it.

God Bless.

Be Numbered Among The Undevourable

1 Peter 5:8
Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.

The devil cannot just walk right up to you and rob you of your health, peace or family. He cannot just come into your life to enforce disease and destruction.

If the devil can do that, then he does not have to walk about “seeking whom he may devour”. He only has to walk straight up to anyone he wants to devour and devour him! But since the Bible says that he goes about seeking whom he may devour, the truth then is that there are people whom he cannot devour.

You see, the devil goes about like a roaring lion trying to stir up fear in people with his roars. But the people who are not devourable are those who refuse to be intimidated by his roars because they know that the true Lion of Judah, Jesus Christ (Revelation 5:5), has already come and rendered powerless him who had the power of death. (Hebrews 2:14, NASB) They know that the devil cannot just do anything to them because the Lion of Judah resides in them, and that He is greater than the devil who is in the world. (1 John 4:4)

My friend, the Lion of Judah is in you. He has given you rights, privileges, authority and power. He redeemed you with His blood. Therefore, everything about you and your life is redeemed by His blood. So if you are fearful about losing your job, cover your job with the blood of Jesus. If you are worried about your children’s safety in these days of terrorist attacks, plead the blood of Jesus over them. If you have received a bad report from the doctor, speak the blood over yourself.

Whatever you have covered with the blood of Jesus, God declares, “Protected! Redeemed!” And the devil flees when he sees the blood. And when he flees, he takes with him sicknesses, diseases, pains, sufferings, destruction and loss.

Once the devil knows that you know who you are in Christ and what you have in Him, his days of intimidating you are over, and you are numbered among the undevourable!

Thought For The Day
Everything about you and your life is redeemed by Jesus’ blood.

-Author Unknown 

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

We Tend To

Who likes bad news? Who thinks that bad news is always just around the corner?

Yeah, me to but I fight it and know it's a mindset that needs to be adjusted and I also know that God is the help I need to change it.

God Bless 

We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation. (NLT) -Romans 5:3 

We tend to become sad or frustrated when we receive bad news. Always remember that God wants us to appreciate life even when we're going through tough situations. Next time you're in one of those situations, whether a family member is sick, you're out of work, or things just aren't falling into place, remember that God has a bigger plan for you. 

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Tuesday, May 25, 2021

God Gives You Undeserved Preferential Treatment

Good to know.

God Bless. 

God Gives You Undeserved Preferential Treatment

Romans 1:7
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

When you fly first class in an airplane, the cabin crew gives you first-class treatment. They ask you, “Is everything okay with you, sir?” They ask you what magazines you want to read. They give you a blanket if you are cold. They give you the best kinds of food. They give you preferential treatment compared to those traveling in economy class.

The grace of God is defined as “undeserved, unearned and unmerited favor”. And one of the definitions for favor is “preferential treatment”! Today, God wants you to know that you have His favor on you. He wants you to know that He gives you preferential treatment, which you do not deserve. And He wants you to depend on and take full advantage of it in your life.

God also wants you to know that His favor in your life can be increased. You can experience more of His favor from day to day. How? The Bible tells us in 2 Peter 1:2 that God’s grace (or favor) is multiplied to us “in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord”. The more you behold Jesus and His love for you, the more you believe and confess that God’s favor is on you, the more you will see His favor work for you.

So if you are a doctor, you will find patients favoring you and you will have more patients than you can handle. If you are a businessman, you will find people just wanting to do business with you because they like you and feel good about you. Then, you will have more business than you can handle and you will need to plan for expansion!

When the favor of God shines on your church, you will find its premises too small for the people who queue up week after week to attend the services! So when people wonder and ask, “What is happening here?” you can tell them, “It is the favor of God multiplied all over us!” And it is all undeserved, unearned and unmerited!

Thought For The Day
The more you behold Jesus and His love for you, the more you will see His favor work for you.

-Author Unknown 

Monday, May 24, 2021

Make Your Temple A House Of Prayer

This little devotional is such a good one and in my opinion goes above and beyond trying to encourage you and your prayer life. May you find as much insight and encouragement as I did.

God Bless. 

Make Your Temple A House Of Prayer

Mark 11:17 

Then He taught, saying to them, “Is it not written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations’? But you have made it a ‘den of thieves’.”

It would be great if every time we prayed, the answers came quickly. Thank God for immediate results, but what do we do when the results are not immediate? The promises of God are there for us, but when they have yet to manifest in our circumstances, what should we do in the meantime?

Jesus showed us what to do. After He had cursed the fig tree, the tree did not wither immediately. (Mark 11:14) What did He do then? He went to the temple in Jerusalem and cleansed it, saying that it should be a house of prayer and not a den of thieves. (Mark 11:15–17) After cleansing the temple, when the disciples saw the same fig tree the next day, it had dried up from its roots! (Mark 11:20–21)

Today, you are the temple of God. (1 Corinthians 3:16) And your temple should be a “house of prayer” or it becomes a “den of thieves”. These thieves, or powers of darkness, will steal and rob from your temple, which is your body. (1 Corinthians 6:19) They will steal and rob you of your strength, health, youthfulness, wisdom, hopes and dreams.

So make your temple a house of prayer by praying in tongues frequently. (Ephesians 6:18) When you pray in the Spirit, you are praying perfect prayers. This is because the Spirit Himself makes intercession for you when He prays through you in tongues. (Romans 8:26)
“Pastor Prince, how long must I pray?”

Well, how often in a day does the enemy attack you with fears, anxieties and worries? How often does that disease in your body remind you that it is there? How healthy and whole do you want to be?

Beloved, as you make your temple a house of prayer, the powers of darkness that have been stealing or robbing from you will be driven out of your life completely. You will see the manifestation of what you have spoken over your circumstances and you will see the withering of what you have cursed!

Thought For The Day
Make your body, God’s temple, a house of prayer by praying in the Spirit frequently.

-Author Unknown 

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Do You Ever Get Down

For all of us who think we have nothing to offer this world, than this little devotional is for you.

Be encouraged, my friend and keep the faith.

God Bless.

"And I have personally appointed Oholiab son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan, to be his assistant. Moreover, I have given special skill to all the gifted craftsmen so they can make all the things I have commanded you to make:" (NLT) -Exodus 31:6 

Do you ever get down on yourself and think you don't have any skills to offer? It's not true, God has given you many skills. Thinking you don't have any skills is not humility, instead, you fail to correctly see your blessings given to you by God. We even devalue our skills when we compare ourselves to others and wish we had their skills. Those thoughts are not complimenting towards God either. God has given skills to everyone and by embracing them we can truly use our skills to worship God. Take a moment to correctly identify your skills and embrace them to honor God. 

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Thursday, May 20, 2021

I Told God

Love this little devotional and what the author is trying to convey.  

May you find something encouraging as I did and maybe, you know someone who you can pass it along to encourage them and maybe a domino of encouragement will take place.

God Bless.

A few months ago, as I was reading through 1 Corinthians, I came to chapter 13. I could almost quote it. I thought I would read it and move on to the next chapter. But for some reason, I decided to write it out—word for word. I felt God impressing me to go slow and take it in. He had something for me. As I wrote it, a phrase took root in my heart: “It keeps no record of wrongs.”

I told God I wasn’t harboring unforgiveness. But you don’t forget, he impressed. “That’s wisdom,” I argued. You don’t forget, he repeated. “I move on.” You don’t forget. He was right. I didn’t forget.

I told myself it wasn’t mean-spirited. I just forgave and moved on. But this passage was telling me I should keep no record. And I realized I had a small list of a few people in my heart. When I worked with them or sat down across the dinner table from them, I had a small list. I remembered. I was cautious in my interactions with them. I had a list. I was so convicted. God was right! I was keeping a record.

I decided that day that everyone was going to receive a clean slate from me. Every interaction, every opportunity, every meeting, every conversation would be a chance to start fresh. I made a list of the people in my life and asked God to help me erase the records I was keeping. I’m sure it won’t be easy, but I’m determined to listen to God’s nudge to wipe those slates clean.

Where are you keeping a record? Who needs a clean slate with you? What would happen if you truly loved those around you and kept no record of wrongs?

Kendra Fleming
North Point Ministries

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

A Refreshing Conclusion

Who likes the aspect of having a calm life but yet life seems to have a different idea of what you should be doing with what you've been given and there are times when you just need encouragement to get through what is bring thrown at you.

May this little devotional do just that.

God Bless. 

A Refreshing Conclusion

Scripture Reading: Proverbs 25:11-14 

Like a snow-cooled drink at harvest time is a trustworthy messenger to the one who sends him; he refreshes the spirit of his master. - Proverbs 25:13 

A few years ago in the area where I live, a major snowstorm came at the end of October. For farmers with crops still in the field, such an early snow is anything but refreshing. It makes for a muddy, wet mess as the remaining crops are harvested. For the ancient Israelites, however, snow was an encouraging sign. As summer turned to fall in the hot climate of Palestine, it was refreshing to see snow begin covering the northern mountains and to know that a quieter season lay ahead. And in those days before refrigeration, receiving a drink cooled by snow was a rare treat. Perhaps you find yourself in the midst of a busy season. God meets us at times when we feel overwhelmed by the tasks looming ahead, or emotionally exhausted by all we’ve been dealing with. He calls us to “lift up [our] eyes to the mountains” and to trust that our “help comes from the Lord” (Psalm 121:1-2). What’s more, God has sent his own Son to be a trustworthy messenger of his refreshing gift (Acts 3:19-20). To all who trust in Jesus, God gives the promise that his harvest work in our souls will bring us rest. Look today for that faithful messenger, the Savior, and trust in him for true refreshment. 

Prayer: Heavenly Father, we often find ourselves worn out by the pace of life and by all we face here on this earth. Help us to find your refreshment for us in Christ. Amen. 

Joel Vande Werken

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Fulfilling Your Destiny

Good stuff and I understand the struggle is real when dealing with why God put you on this planet.

May the following devotional be of some encouragement. 

God Bless.

Fulfilling Your Destiny 

by Gloria Copeland 

“As thou [the Father] hast sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them [those who believe on me] into the world.” John 17:18 “What’s God’s plan for my life?” We’ve all asked that question at some point in our lives. Christians everywhere are longing to answer God’s call. They’re eager to fulfill the divine purpose for which they were created. But they need direction in finding out what that plan is... God never intended for us to be in the dark about His plan for our lives. He left us clear, written instructions concerning His will for us. What’s more, He gave us a pattern to follow so we could see how to carry out those instructions. The pattern is Jesus. You’ve been sent forth into the world to continue His ministry. I know that sounds like a tall order, but it’s true. He said so Himself in John 17:18. Once we realize Jesus is the pattern, we need to find out exactly what Jesus was sent to do: “For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil” (1 John 3:8). 

Think about that. You’re called to finish what Jesus began: to destroy, undo and bring to naught the works of the devil on earth. That is the job God wants us to do. “That’s a big job, Gloria! How on earth am I ever going to do that?” The same way Jesus did. After all, He promised, “He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father” (John 14:12). In short, the works, or ministry of Jesus was threefold: 1) He healed the sick, 2) He cast out demons, and 3) He preached the good news of the kingdom of God. Now, I know it’s easy to do the preaching and not the other two works. But the gospel was never designed to be preached without proof that Jesus is alive today. Jesus didn’t just say, “The kingdom of God is here.” He demonstrated it. He proved the truth of what He was saying by operating in the supernatural power of God. And He expects us to do the same. That’s God’s plan for your life! God’s program is still the same. It didn’t change when Jesus went to sit at the right hand of the Father. He’s still expecting us to do the things He did and finish what He started. He is sitting at the right hand of God this very minute, waiting for us. He is waiting for us to rise up by the Spirit of God and make His enemies His footstool. So what are you waiting for? Fulfill God’s plan in the earth. Fulfill your calling. Fulfill your destiny. Speak the Word “I believe in Jesus. I am sent by Him. I fulfill my destiny.” —John 17:18 

Need prayer? Call 817-852-6000. We’re here for you, 24/7! Also, visit to receive a free gift from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland.

Monday, May 17, 2021

Focus On God’s Opinion

For me, this little devotional was such an encouragement when I read it. May, you find encouragement in any and all areas there is a need.

God Bless. 

Focus on God’s Opinion, Not What Others Say 

“The fear of human opinion disables; trusting in God protects you from that” (Proverbs 29:25 MSG). 

People who accomplish big things in life must face naysayers who try to discourage them. • When the Wright brothers tried to fly their first plane, people told them it would never work because humans can’t fly. • When Moses led the Israelites across the desert, the people complained: “We’re going to die! We want to go back to Egypt!” • When John F. Kennedy said the United States would send a man to the moon, many people said it could never be done. Anyone who has ever tried to do anything great has always come face-to-face with naysayers. The thing is, naysayers aren’t necessarily bad people. They may truly want what’s best for you. They may love you. But they’re not God. So don’t treat their opinions like you would God’s opinions. The Bible says, “The fear of human opinion disables; trusting in God protects you from that” (Proverbs 29:25 MSG). 

Some of us have been disabled by the opinions of others and we don’t even realize it. In a sense, some of us have become addicted to the approval of others. Another translation of Proverbs 29:25 says, “It is dangerous to be concerned with what other people think of you, but if you trust the Lord, you are safe” (GNT). When you give more weight to the opinions of others than you do to God’s opinion, you’ll stay on the sidelines when God wants you in the game. You’ll stay locked up in a prison of self-made fear. Other people’s opinions can sidetrack you from God’s purpose for your life. Don’t let that happen. In Isaiah 8:13, the Bible says, “The Lord Almighty is the one you are to regard as holy, he is the one you are to fear, he is the one you are to dread” (NIV). So break the chains of fear and go after God’s vision for your life. He’s your biggest cheerleader. He wants you to succeed, and he’s working in your life so you will. 

-Author Unknown 

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Husband, Love Your Wives

Who doesn't want unconditional love especially those who live in the same house as you. 

May the word's below be encouragement for all those who are in need of hope of some day feeling the love that our Savior is ready to pour out on us.

God Bless.

Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word. (Ephesians 5:25–26) 

If you only hope for unconditional love from God, your hope is great, but too small. Unconditional love from God is not the sweetest experience of his love. The sweetest experience is when his love says:
“I have made you so much like my Son that I delight to see you and be with you. You are a pleasure to me, because you are so radiant with my glory.” This sweetest experience is conditional on our transformation into the kind of people whose emotions and choices and actions please God. Unconditional love is the source and foundation of the human transformation that makes the sweetness of conditional love possible. If God did not love us unconditionally, he would not penetrate our unattractive lives, bring us to faith, unite us to Christ, give us his Spirit, and make us progressively like Jesus. But when he unconditionally chooses us, and sends Christ to die for us, and regenerates us, he puts in motion an unstoppable process of transformation that makes us glorious. He gives us a splendor to match his favorite kind. 

We see this in Ephesians 5:25–27. “Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her [unconditional love], that he might sanctify her . . . and present the church to himself in splendor” — the condition in which he delights. It is unspeakably wonderful that God would unconditionally set his favor on us while we are still unbelieving sinners. The ultimate reason this is wonderful is that this unconditional love brings us into the everlasting enjoyment of his glorious presence. But the apex of that enjoyment is that we not only see his glory, but also reflect it. “The name of our Lord Jesus [will] be glorified in you, and you in him” (2 Thessalonians 1:12).

-Author Unknown 

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Rejoice Always, Pray

It appears to me that we need to start a new praise more than a complaint. Yet, I know how hard that is seeing as what is going on in the world right now so maybe we need to start a prayer trend instead of a gossipy prayer chain.

May we find encouragement in the words below. 

God Bless. 

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

Remember to praise God.  For some this comes almost naturally, like breathing - and others struggle with this.  During blessing, great favor, or answered prayers we strive to do more for God, work harder, be better – and we only glance at the reality that God has done it all in our lives!  Spend more than a moment rejoicing.  We are to pray continually in all circumstances because it can and will drive our gratitude and help us remember to praise Him!  No matter the situation or circumstance, anchor yourself in Christ.

Verse/Commentary courtesy of 'Verse-A-Day' android app.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Quote Of The Day - We Can Improve Our Relationships

Good stuff below! We need to make the relationships in our lives a priority! God knows every one is in need of love right now.

God Bless.

Quote of the Day -Joyce Meyer

We can improve our relationships with others by leaps and bounds if we become encouragers instead of critics.

– Joyce Meyer

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Facing Fear Head On

Here is some wisdom to live by. Thank you, Joyce.

God Bless. 

Facing Fear Head On

Adapted from the resource The Power of Being Thankful - by Joyce Meyer

One meaning of the word fear is “to take flight,” so when we use the phrase “fear not,” in a very real sense we are saying, “Don’t run away from what frightens you.” Remember, you don’t have to do it in your own strength—God is with you. You can move forward with a grateful assurance in Him.

Whatever the situation is, face it; don’t run from it. Don’t try to hide from it; just meet it head-on, even when you feel like you’d rather not. Every man or woman who has ever been given the opportunity to do something great has had to face fear. What will you do when you are tempted to be afraid? Will you run, or will you stand firm, and be thankful God is with you?

Prayer Starter: Lord, when I am in a situation where I begin to feel fear, help me to stand firm in Your strength. I am thankful that I do not have to flee. I can stand strong knowing that fear has no control over my life. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Monday, May 10, 2021

Don't Quit

Yeah, the fight to give up is a constant struggle and embracing this little devotional makes it a little bit more do-able.

God Bless. 

Don’t Quit

Adapted from the resource Battlefield of the Mind - by Joyce Meyer

"I've been a Christian for twenty-three years," Cheryl said. I'm just not getting anywhere. I'm as weak as I was when I first accepted Christ as my Savior. I still fail. I just don't know if it's worth it." Tears streamed down her cheeks as she continued to talk about her failures. "By now I know all the right things to do, but I don't do them. Sometimes I deliberately do something mean-spirited or unkind. What kind of Christian am I?"

"Probably a growing Christian," I said. A startled look appeared on Cheryl's face. "Growing? Did you hear?

"Yes, I heard. But if you weren't growing, you wouldn't lament your failures. You'd be satisfied about your spiritual level or tell yourself how good you are."

"But I'm so discouraged, and I fail God so many times."

I went on to tell Cheryl she was correct that she had failed. All of us do at times. None of us is perfect. If we're not careful, we allow the devil to point to what we haven't accomplished and where we have been weak. When that happens, it's easy to feel bad or want to give up.

That's not the way of the Spirit. No matter how we mess up our lives, God doesn't give up on us. The Spirit constantly nudges us.

We can allow our thoughts to dwell on what we haven't done, why we ought to be more spiritual, or how spiritual we ought to be after all these years in our Christian faith. That's a trick of the devil to make us think of our defects and short comings. If we focus on what we're not or what we haven't accomplished, we are allowing the devil to make advances on the battlefield of our minds.

The fact that my troubled friend was upset was a healthy sign, even though she didn't see it that way. With the Holy Spirit's help, she can push back the devil. She can regain the territory Satan has stolen from her.

Cheryl seemed to think that holy; victorious living came slowly. They come little by little. It's as if we inch forward. Because we move slowly in our spiritual growth, we are often unaware of how far we have moved. If the devil can make us think that we must have one decisive spiritual victory after another or we're losers, he has gained an important stronghold. My advice to Cheryl, and to all Christians who face those dark moments, is to listen to the words of the apostle Paul.

He exhorted us not to grow weary; or as another translation says it, "not to lose heart." He's saying, "Don't quit. Keep fighting."

Life is a struggle, and the devil is determined to defeat and destroy us. We don't ever reach the place where we never have to fight. But it's not just our fight. Jesus is not only with us, but He is for us. He's at our side to strengthen us and to urge us onward.

My friend kept remembering the times she had failed, but I reminded her of the times she had succeeded. "You think the devil is in control, but that's not true. You have failed, but you have also succeeded. You have stood your ground and you have made progress."

"Don't quit. Don't give up." That's the message we need to hear. I think of the words of Isaiah: "Fear not, for I have redeemed you ... ; I have called you by your name; you are Mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you, and through the rivers, they will not overwhelm you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned or scorched, nor will the flame kindle upon you" (Isaiah 43:l1-2).

This is God's promise. He doesn't promise to take us completely out of troubles or hardships, but He does promise to be with us as we go through them. "Fear not,"' He says. That's the message we need to ponder. We don't need to fear because God is with us. And when God is with us, what is there to worry about?

Prayer Starter: God, despite my failures, You are with me, encouraging me not to give up. Please help me to remember that, with Your help, I can win. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Be Kind

It doesn't take much to be kind. We need to embrace the lifestyle and maybe with one act of kindness,  we can change the World.

God Bless.

Be Kind

Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you. (NLT) -Ephesians 4:32

Is there someone in your life you struggle to show kindness towards?  Maybe that one person who just pushes your buttons?  God instructs us to instead of responding with irritation or anger, to be kind and forgive. How might embracing this model might transform some of your relationships?  Imagine how laying down your “right” to be offended could pave the way for you to show a bit of God’s unconditional love to others!  Be a vessel of God’s goodness through the simple choice to show kindness as you go through your day.  

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Thursday, May 6, 2021

God Will Do What Is Right

Keep believing, my friends, He will make all things new.

God Bless. 

If you’re rehashing the same hurt every chance you get with anyone who will listen, I have a question: why are you doing God’s work for him? “Vengeance is mine,” God declared. “I will repay” (Hebrews 10:30). To assume otherwise is to assume God can’t do it. When we strike back we are saying, “I know vengeance is yours, God, but I just didn’t think you’d punish enough. I thought I’d better take this situation into my own hands.”

May I restate the obvious? If vengeance is God’s, then it is not ours. God has not asked us to settle the score or get even. Ever. Forgiveness is not saying the one who hurt you was right. Forgiveness is stating that God is fair and he will do what is right. After all, don’t we have enough things to do without trying to do God’s work too?

Max Lucado App 

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Thank You, I'm Sorry

Just some good for thought..

God Bless..

Thank You; I’m Sorry; Please . . . 

Scripture Reading: Psalm 118:1-7 Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. - Psalm 118:1 

We often use certain words and phrases in our relationship with the Lord: “Thank you”; “I’m sorry”; “Please, if it is your will.” Our words flow from the nature of the One to whom we are speaking. If he were not the wonderful God that he is, our vocabulary would be different. I remember the Soviet dictator Nikita Khrushchev standing to speak at the United Nations, taking off his shoe, pounding it on the podium, and shouting at his enemies, “We will bury you!” On another occasion Fidel Castro, visiting from Cuba, killed a chicken in his New York hotel room and spread the feathers and blood all around the room before going to the U.N. Their ideology said there is no God, and any hate-filled, belligerent words and actions were OK. Christians use godly, not hate-filled, words when talking to fellow humans. Why should we say “Thanks!” to someone who did something nice for us, rather than just take it for granted? Why should we say “I’m sorry” when we do something wrong or hurt someone, or “Sorry to trouble you” when someone has to go out of their way to help us? Why should we praise someone for the good qualities they have, rather than being envious? Because God is love, and he sets the pattern for our relationships. 

Prayer: Thank you, Lord, for your love. We’re sorry for sinning against you and ­others. Thank you for the beauty of your earth and for your gift of salvation. Please bless us and help us to live for your glory and for the well-being of those around us. Amen. 

George Young

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Have You Ever Wondered

Every one wants to know they have a purpose for being on this earth and luckily for us, God is willing to show and guide us to it, so be encouraged and rely on the One who created you has a reason for your life.

God Bless.

Teach me to do your will for you are my God. May your gracious Spirit lead me forward on a firm footing. (NLT) -Psalm 143:10 

Have you ever wondered what is God's will in your life? Don't you wish He would just send it in the mail to eliminate any confusion? It's worth pointing out that David didn't ask the same thing. Instead, he asks for God to teach him to do His will. Imagine if you learned to do God's will how the uncertainty would be eliminated. Let's allow the Spirit to lead us on solid ground by asking God to teach us. 

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Monday, May 3, 2021

Your Life Is Greatly Impacted

Wisdom overload below! 

God Bless.

Your life is greatly impacted by the words that have been spoken to you. Likewise, your words impact the lives of those around you— for better or for worse. That’s a sobering thought. Many people have been crippled with insecurity because their parents spoke words of judgment, criticism, and failure to them. These wounded people can be healed by receiving God’s unconditional love, but it takes time to overcome the wrong image they have of themselves.

That’s why it is important to use your words for blessing, healing, and building up instead of for cursing, wounding, and tearing down.

If you’ve been wounded by words, be quick to receive God’s unconditional love. Let Him heal any unhealthy images you may have of yourself. If you have been fortunate enough to escape such damage, determine that your words will bring blessing and healing to others.

From the book Ending Your Day Right by Joyce Meyer. Copyright © 2004 by Joyce Meyer. Published by FaithWords. All rights reserved.

Sunday, May 2, 2021


If your looking for why salvation is important or in the need of how to become saved, this little devotional will be of use to you.

Please read and search for yourself but most of all, allow Jesus to come into your life and make you a brand new man!

God Bless. 


This is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day
- John 6:40

Jesus came to accomplish the will of his Father (verse 38). This "will" then, which Jesus describes for us, is not merely God's revealed, or instructive, will; this is God's predestinating decree, which is sure to come to pass.

Jesus Christ himself, the second person of the triune God, has enlisted himself to perfectly perform the purpose for which the Father sent him into this world. There is no possibility that Jesus endured the incarnation and the cross, and yet failed to fulfill all that he came to do.

As a result, Jesus says, every one who sees the Son, and believes on him, will have everlasting life. There are no exceptions.

Perhaps you have seen yourself as too dirty, or unworthy, or flawed to hope for forgiveness and healing and salvation. But Jesus unmistakably and intentionally promises eternal life to every single individual who believes on him -- no matter what family you come from, what mistakes you have made, or how low you may feel.

And I will raise him up at the last day. Not only will Jesus raise sinners from the mud pit of their past, he will raise them finally and forcefully even from the grave one day.

This salvation, which God planned and Jesus accomplished, is a complete salvation. The everlasting life that is promised includes the resurrection of your body in the last day.

Is this salvation yours? Have you seen and believed on the Son?