Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Facing Fear Head On

Here is some wisdom to live by. Thank you, Joyce.

God Bless. 

Facing Fear Head On

Adapted from the resource The Power of Being Thankful - by Joyce Meyer

One meaning of the word fear is “to take flight,” so when we use the phrase “fear not,” in a very real sense we are saying, “Don’t run away from what frightens you.” Remember, you don’t have to do it in your own strength—God is with you. You can move forward with a grateful assurance in Him.

Whatever the situation is, face it; don’t run from it. Don’t try to hide from it; just meet it head-on, even when you feel like you’d rather not. Every man or woman who has ever been given the opportunity to do something great has had to face fear. What will you do when you are tempted to be afraid? Will you run, or will you stand firm, and be thankful God is with you?

Prayer Starter: Lord, when I am in a situation where I begin to feel fear, help me to stand firm in Your strength. I am thankful that I do not have to flee. I can stand strong knowing that fear has no control over my life. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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