Sunday, May 9, 2021

Be Kind

It doesn't take much to be kind. We need to embrace the lifestyle and maybe with one act of kindness,  we can change the World.

God Bless.

Be Kind

Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you. (NLT) -Ephesians 4:32

Is there someone in your life you struggle to show kindness towards?  Maybe that one person who just pushes your buttons?  God instructs us to instead of responding with irritation or anger, to be kind and forgive. How might embracing this model might transform some of your relationships?  Imagine how laying down your “right” to be offended could pave the way for you to show a bit of God’s unconditional love to others!  Be a vessel of God’s goodness through the simple choice to show kindness as you go through your day.  

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