Thursday, May 20, 2021

I Told God

Love this little devotional and what the author is trying to convey.  

May you find something encouraging as I did and maybe, you know someone who you can pass it along to encourage them and maybe a domino of encouragement will take place.

God Bless.

A few months ago, as I was reading through 1 Corinthians, I came to chapter 13. I could almost quote it. I thought I would read it and move on to the next chapter. But for some reason, I decided to write it out—word for word. I felt God impressing me to go slow and take it in. He had something for me. As I wrote it, a phrase took root in my heart: “It keeps no record of wrongs.”

I told God I wasn’t harboring unforgiveness. But you don’t forget, he impressed. “That’s wisdom,” I argued. You don’t forget, he repeated. “I move on.” You don’t forget. He was right. I didn’t forget.

I told myself it wasn’t mean-spirited. I just forgave and moved on. But this passage was telling me I should keep no record. And I realized I had a small list of a few people in my heart. When I worked with them or sat down across the dinner table from them, I had a small list. I remembered. I was cautious in my interactions with them. I had a list. I was so convicted. God was right! I was keeping a record.

I decided that day that everyone was going to receive a clean slate from me. Every interaction, every opportunity, every meeting, every conversation would be a chance to start fresh. I made a list of the people in my life and asked God to help me erase the records I was keeping. I’m sure it won’t be easy, but I’m determined to listen to God’s nudge to wipe those slates clean.

Where are you keeping a record? Who needs a clean slate with you? What would happen if you truly loved those around you and kept no record of wrongs?

Kendra Fleming
North Point Ministries

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