Monday, October 10, 2022

When You're Newlyweds

Found this little devotional to be interesting. May you find encouragement written below.

God Bless.

When You’re Newlyweds: 

Patience It is one of the sad consequences of our competitive, media-driven, consumerist culture that we expect perfection in others but excuse mediocrity in ourselves. Restaurants and hotels live on the edge, knowing that all it takes is one bad experience and a customer will never be back. When you’re a newlywed, you are marrying a rookie, someone who will make rookie mistakes. That’s why God tells husbands and wives to let go of Mommy and Daddy and stick like glue to their spouses--never, ever comparing a husband to Daddy or a wife to Mom. It’s an inherently unfair comparison, since you are remembering mature veterans. Cut your newlywed spouse some slack. “As God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with . . . patience. Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another” (Colossians 3:12,13). Think of how often God has had to be patient with you. Think of how he has nurtured you and put up with stuff and invested energy and resources in you. Think of how you learned from your failures and thrived on encouragement and praise. Well, hello! How about extending some of that same patience to your spouse? 

Lord, forgive us our sins as we forgive our spouses who sin against us.

-Author Unknown 

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