Tuesday, November 7, 2023

No Anxiety

The world is full of anxiety. People have very little hope. We are the hope. We know the solution. May we reintroduce the Hope that is willing to save the world.

God Bless.

No Anxiety
Today : No Anxiety

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Philippians 4:6 (NIV)

Anxiety can ruin a day. Most of our anxiety centers around something terrible we think will happen. Of course, this would make anyone anxious; but the truth is that most of the time the terrible things we think will happen, don’t! That is the dilemma. We believe so many lies. No wonder Jesus said that the truth would set us free. So what is our definition of terrible? Basically, it is something that we think will be more than we could ever endure. It is a frightful dread. It is beyond human endurance, worst than anything we can imagine. According to William Backus in his book, “Telling Yourself the Truth,” there are four areas of anxiety. They are: Fear of losing someone’s love. Fear of making someone angry or upset. Fear of public embarrassment. Fear of pain and death. Now Jesus comes along and says, “Don’t let your heart be troubled.” Paul writes, “Do not be anxious about ANYTHING!” Backus suggests that you can minimize your fears until you see them for what they are, lies, and do not be anxious. So, today realize that you have a choice and choose not to be anxious. Today believe the truth that you can trust God and choose not to be anxious. Today when anxiety comes, know that the terrible dread that it conjures up is a lie and follow Paul’s instruction, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”

Father, I give You my anxious heart. Forgive me for believing so many lies. Help me change my core beliefs and bring them in line with Your word. Today I choose faith and choose to bring all my anxieties to You.

I choose not to be anxious but instead will trust God
In your mind, go to a quiet peaceful place. As you are there picture the presence of God in that place. Sense His love for you. Leave that place and begin to visualize yourself walking throughout your day, taking God’s peace with you. See anxiety come to you and instead of being anxious you say, “I choose not to be anxious!” and then you give your anxiety to God. As you trust Him, watch His peace swallow up your anxiety and leave you feeling calm and safe. Picture yourself doing this over and over throughout the day. Each time you feel the anxiety getting weaker and His peace getting stronger. Finish the day by saying, “I choose not to be anxious but instead will trust God.”

-Author Unknown 

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