Monday, May 13, 2024

A Leader

Is He your leader? Food for thought.

God Bless


Name of God Devotional


Bible Name of God : A LEADER


Isai 55:4 Behold, I have given him [for] a witness to the people, a leader and commander to the people.

The Leadership of Christ is unexelled. He is the “Captian of our Salvation” and He has given to us the high and holy privilege of following Him and fighting under His bannner (Peace)! David was a loyal leader and faithful to his followers, but Jesus Christ is “great David’s greater Son” and He leads on to certain victory, through green pastures, beside the still waters, to the summit of the mountain, through the valleys, to the Rock that is higher than we could ever ascend in our own strength. He loves to hold us by the hand and lead us on to joy and peace. Shall we not say “Where He leads, we will follow?”

Blessed Lord, our Leader, have Thine own way with us and lead us today. Amen.

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