Thursday, May 23, 2024

Who Is He

Food for that mixed with a little but of encouragement. 

God Bless.

Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God?


Overcoming the world sounds like an impossible feat. How do we defeat the forces of greed, strife, and pride that define the ways of the world? Only through Jesus, who leads us in a life of humble sacrifice. In Jesus, we find the peace of a secure eternity, no matter what we face in this world, freeing us to pursue His kingdom instead of worldly gains.


Lord God, thank You for calling me to be a child of Your kingdom. You’ve called me to resist the ways of the world as I live for You, but I cannot do it alone. Thank You for sending Jesus to live that I may have an example to follow. And thank You for His death and resurrection, by which I receive the power to follow You. In Jesus’ name, amen.

-Author Unknown 

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