Wednesday, May 22, 2024

The Pain Of Betrayal


God Bless.

The Pain of Betrayal

Jesus said to him, "Judas, are you betraying the Son of Man with a kiss?" - Luke 22:48, NKJV

Judas was one of Jesus’ very closest friends. He had been handpicked to be a disciple. He had been given the special responsibility of being treasurer for the entire band of disciples – a responsibility he had enjoyed as it gave him access to personal petty cash as well as prestige in the eyes of others. Yet it was this disciple who betrayed his Lord and Friend with a kiss! And although Jesus clearly knew the betrayal was coming, it was still a knifelike stab to His heart.

Have you ever been betrayed . . .

by a spouse who has taken a secret lover?

by a sibling who has stolen your inheritance?

by a coworker who has taken the credit for a job you did?

If you have experienced betrayal, then you understand something of the stabbing pain Judas inflicted at the very outset of Jesus’ uphill struggle to the Cross and would resolve never to betray another.

From Just Give Me Jesus

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