Thursday, July 4, 2024


What the world needs now is justice.

Be encouraged. 

God Bless. 

Justice requires that debts be paid. God created us to love him with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. He also instructs us to love our neighbors as ourselves.

But every day we fall short of God’s requirements, adding to our debt. Jesus, the eternal Son of God, came from heaven to become human and live among us. He kept God’s law of love perfectly. Then, although he was innocent, he gave up his life on a cross for us, paying the debt of sin for all who would believe in him.

This is the good news that we are called to believe so that we can enter God’s rest. In the Old Testament, some of God’s people disobeyed and would not accept the good news that God would give them the promised land. They would not trust in Him.

-Author Unknown 

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