Thursday, July 18, 2024

The Love You Give

I may have posted this before but I wanted to share this.

God Bless. 

The love you give to other people must be able to weather all seasons. People tend to make the mistake of thinking that love is only about feeling good. They believe that love is about the good times and nothing else. But that could not be any further from the truth. In friendships, family, and other meaningful relationships you will need love to help you through the tough times too. The tough times tend to come far often than we expect them, too. Challenges come in different shapes and sizes; they always arrive when we least expect it. 

The love you have for your friends and your family should not be conditional or seasonal. You need to understand that people are going to let you down in life - whether you like it or not. Instead of shutting them out, choose to love them and forgive them for their shortcomings. We also have to acknowledge the fact that we, ourselves, are not perfect and we will make mistakes too. In those moments, you will hope for love and forgiveness too. It's very easy to judge others when you are the one who is on high ground. 

Love keeps you together when it seems like all hope is lost. With the world we live in, it isn't very hard to lose hope. The physical, natural, and economic disasters that occur on a daily basis are enough to weaken the strongest hearts. But that is why we have friends and family - to get through everything together. No one was born to be an island. We have been blessed with the gift of companionship so that we can love one another through the great moments and through the storms. Love is enough to give a person the boost they need to carry on with their day.

-Author Unknown 

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