Thursday, June 14, 2012

Why Do I allow myself to get in the way?

Over and over for the last month or so, I've allowed myself to get distracted from the things I really want to do and what I think I'm suppose to do.

I allow people to dictate my life. When people say I should to this or that, I listen instead of listening and finding out for myself what I should do from God.

I can't be the only one. I wonder if I would listen to God half as much as I listen to people, how much further I would be. When am I going to grow up? When am I going to stop being a pushover? When am I going to just cut loose and do the thing I feel to do?

When I don't feel like someone is going to jump all over my case. That's when and from the looks of it, it isn't going to be any time soon if I keep going this way.

I need to talk with God, listen, and obey. I need to become stronger in who I am and weaker in who people think I should be.

The problem is hurting people I love or causing a commotion. I can cause trouble any other time over the silliest things but when it comes to me, I'm a push over.

God help me. I'm more than a conquer and I can over come my enemies even if they are family members.

I need to quite the lukewarmness and get passionate about the things I love. So stay tune, you never know where and when I'm going to turn up and how much heat I'll be throwing but one thing I know, day by day, I'm changing not into the person others want me to be but into the person I was created to be.

God Bless.

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