Wednesday, October 3, 2012

100 Days of Scriptures of Encouragement: Day 95

Job 42:2

I know that thou canst do every thing, and that no thought can be withholden from thee.

Thank heavens He never withholds any good thing for me. It's there for the taken only I have to be willing to take it.

Thank heavens He's the God that can do anything and everything and longs for me to experience the supernatural.

Yes, indeed, nothings withheld en from me from the God who can do anything, I just need to get into the word and let it sink into my heart and let the word brand me with His goodness.

It's an every day relationship with Him just not some days when I feel like it. I'm going to get it together, I've made such progress now, why do I feel the need to stop? Because life gets in my way. Trails and tribulations are around every corner I take.

But thank God, I'm not where I've been in the past and I'm closer in the present, and forever loved by a God who gives out mercies and grace every morning who eagerly waits for me to take my place in Christ and for me to believe He's a good God and everything He owns, I can stake claim in.

Yes, thank heavens He's God and I'm me, a work in progress in knowing that He's a good God and He holds nothing good back from me and He can do so much more than what I can think or dream.

Indeed, God is good...all the time.

God Bless.

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