Thursday, October 4, 2012

100 Days of Scriptures of Encouragement: Day 96

Proverbs 15:3

The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.

Have you ever thought about how it is possible for Go to see every thing that happens in the world whether it be good or bad?

Because He's all onimotent and He never sleeps or slumpers. Wow, I have a hard time keeping my eyes awake to read my bible and to think God never sleeps and He sees all? Amazing.

It's also amazing how I know this and still do the things I do. After all, God's watching and a cloud of witnesses are watching my ever move too. Its scary how I can pass that thought from my mind. It's even scarier how those thoughts never cross my mind until I've done something I know not to do.

If I really blieved the bible like I do, than I should be aware of His presence in my life at at times. But I'm human, living in this fleshy body who wants its own way and throws a fit when the spiritual man arises within me.

Yep, God sees everything good and evil and strangely that's comforting to me. If He sees the bad, then He sees the good and He sees where I am at in life and what my needs are. More importantly, He sees my heart.

He sees a heart that longs to abide in Him day in and day out, every moment and second of the day. He sees my hurts and the pain words have caused me and the evil that has come my way from satan and his dimionions as well as from people who say they love me.

Indeed, He is the God who takes note of the good and the evil in this world and He's even more concerned about a girl in a small town in Ohio who struggles with life and her sins but yet crys out, "have mercy on me, Father, for I have sinned." And the amazing part is, He sees you right where you at and still calls you by name and commands the angels to protect us and sends the Holy Spirit to lead us into a right relationship with the God of the universe.

God Bless.

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