Friday, February 14, 2014

Give Yourself Away

Often the best gift is a portion of yourself. 

God has given you time, talent, and energy so that we can give it away to others so there may be an increase of joy in their lives leaving an open door for God to show up and continue to bless their lives. 

Random act of kindness is one movement that has the possibility to change the world. We need to look around and begin to notice the opportunities that are all around us at any given time. 

We need to begin to drop seeds of kindness when presented the opportunity. There are thousands of ways we can give ourselves away. So let us start by presenting ourselves to God and ask Him where He would like for us to start.

Then we must be willing to do what He says no matter how big or small it maybe. We must lose ourselves and not seek glory or fame nor worry about what others may or may not think of us because in the end it isn't about them anyway but about our willingness to give of ourselves so that others may see the hope that is within us.

When you are willingly give away often returns in the form of multiplication. In giving of ourselves, we just may get a glimpse of heaven.

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