Friday, February 28, 2014

Men of Faith

I have a lot going on in my home right now and it's good to be reminded of where I should have my priorities. No matter what is going in my home, I should shout from the rooftop that my house is God's house, my children are God's children, my spouse belongs to God...indeed this house shall serve The Lord.

Men of Faith for me and my house, we will serve the Lord
- Joshua 24:15b

Joshua was a great leader, not only by giving good admonition but by his example. He told the people of Israel that, if they were not going to serve the Lord, it really didn't matter which false god they chose because one was just as bad as the other. But his public declaration was this: my decision is made, my mind is set, my house will serve the Lord. Sometimes fathers fail to make such a bold declaration and so leave their family struggling without the benefit of a committed leader.

We see from Joshua's life, both before and after this bold proclamation, that these were not just words that he spoke -- this was a commitment that he lived. Much can be learned from this single-minded man of God.

When he was sent to spy out the land of Canaan, he and Caleb were the two who came back not only with a positive report about the land, but expressing confidence that with God's help they could possess it. He was not overcome by the influence of the majority report, the popular opinion, the "common" sense. He stood firm by his convictions. He was faithful and stable as a leader. He relied on God's promises and continually encouraged the people.

Joshua also showed concern for the next generation. He had the Israelites set up twelve stones as a memorial when they crossed Jordan so that, when questions would be asked about their meaning, parents could tell their children about God's great power in rolling back the waters. And Joshua served faithfully to the end. He did not bow out claiming he had already done his part earlier in life; he served till he died at 110 years old.

Let us learn from his life of faithful service to make a commitment without wavering, to put God first in all things and to draw strength from His promises. As for Joshua, and his house, they boldly served the Lord. Will this be your determination, as well?

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