Friday, May 29, 2015

Authentic Vs. Phony Faith

I want an authentic faith, don't you?

I'm tired of fakeness. I'm tired of all the lies, junk,
And everything in between. 

This little devotional helps me to hold on. 
It helps me to believe there is still hope and I need
All the hope I can believe in.

Not only do I need hope, but I also need the real deal.
I'm done with everything in between and my hope is that 
Anyone who reads this will join me for the case of
Authentic faith because without it, we are a doomed people.

God Bless.

Authentic vs. Phony Faith

John Piper

The question before us all is: Are we included in the “many” whose sins he bore? And will we be saved by his coming “for salvation”?
The answer of Hebrews 9:28 is, “Yes,” if we are “eagerly awaiting him.” 
We can know that our sins are taken away 
and that we will be safe in the judgment if we trust Christ 
in such a way that it makes us eager for his coming.

There is a phony faith that claims to believe in Christ,
but is only a fire insurance policy. 
Phony faith “believes” only to escape hell. 
It has no real desire for Christ. 
In fact, it would prefer it if he did not come, 
so that we can have as much of this world’s pleasures as possible. 
This shows that a heart is not with Christ, but with the world.

So the issue for us is: Do we eagerly long for the coming of Christ? 
Or do we want him to wait while our love affair with the world runs its course? 
That is the question that tests the authenticity of faith.

So let us be like the Corinthians who were
“awaiting eagerly the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Corinthians 1:7), 
and like the Philippians whose “citizenship was in heaven, 
from which also [they] eagerly waited for a Savior, 
the Lord Jesus Christ” (Philippians 3:20).

That’s the issue for us. Do we love his appearing? 
Or do we love the world and hope that his appearing 
will not interrupt our worldly plans? Eternity hangs on this question.

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