Thursday, August 11, 2016

Jesus Lived A Life Of Thankfulness

Have you ever wished you could become a time traveler? Still live in this same time with all the modern convinces yet have the ability to go back in time to where Jesus was walking the earth? I have.

There are just some things I think would be eaiser for this Christian walk if I could actually see Jesus, hear Him speak the words of the bible, and see just what exactly was going on and then come back in my time line and live out what I saw in my time.

But unfortunately, that can't be done and I will just have to wait for the movie when I get to heaven.  So for now, all I have to rely on is His words, the bible, and my imagination. I must try to imagine what was going through His mind when He spoke on thankfulness.

Let's face it, He made it sound ridiculously easy! And here I am, struggling with what life has to offer me. I can assure you I live 30% in thankfulness and I know my life could be so much more if I would live in thankfulness a little more, but I'm human and I let human things get in my way.

But this little devotional gives me what I need to live a completely different life. I life with that calls for a little more thankfulness!

God Bless.

John  11:41 Then they took away the stone from the place where the dead man was lying. And Jesus lifted up His eyes and said, “Father, I thank You that You have heard Me.

Topics: Prayer Keywords Prayer(s) , Provision , Miracle(s) , Five Loaves And Two Fish , Give Thanks , Lazarus Scripture Reference John  See The Miraculous When You Give Thanks
Jesus lived a life of thanksgiving. He always thanked His Father for what He had and for always hearing Him when He prayed. That was how He released miracles in His life. In the story of the feeding of the five thousand (John 6:1–13),

Jesus’ attitude was one of thankfulness. He took a little boy’s lunch of five loaves and two fish, gave thanks and had them distributed. He gave thanks for the little that was there and the little multiplied. Not only did the people eat as much as they wanted, there were 12 baskets full of leftovers! So when you see the meager balance in your bank account, thank the Lord for what you have.

That’s your “five loaves and two fish”. When you give Him thanks that He is your provider and the source of your supply, in spite of the little you have, your little will become much, with leftovers! Even when faced with the impossible, the solution was still, “Father, I thank You…”

When Jesus stood outside Lazarus’ tomb, and the people took away the stone that was covering the tomb, He did not see the situation as hopeless and impossible. He simply lifted up His eyes and said, “Father, I thank You that You have heard Me.” Then, He proceeded to call forth Lazarus, and the man came forth alive once more! The raising of Lazarus, who had been dead for more than four days, was one of Jesus’ greatest miracles.

And He accomplished this by saying, “Father, I thank You that You have heard Me.” He thanked His way to an awesome miracle. My friend, the next time you find yourself praying, “God, please do this for me! 

Please give me...” stop! Instead, say, “Thank You God, for hearing me. And because You have heard me, I thank You that I have what I asked for.” And when you thank God, the little that you have will multiply. Your impossible situations will turn around to reflect God’s provision. And resurrection life will hit you!

Thought For The Day When you give Him thanks for the little you have, your little will become much, with leftovers!

Daily Grace Inspirations

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