Thursday, March 23, 2017

God's Glory Has Been Restored To You

My dream has always been for God to show me His glory.
But here lately, I've been thinking He already has and it is my job to show it to others but I never put the two and two together before.
I don't have revelation on this subject in any depth and I still want to see God's fill the earth but I think, the glory is going to fall amongst His people who are just as hungry as I am and are willing to learn and do what is on God's heart no matter what.
Let's learn about God's glory together and together God will show Himself mightily through us!
God Bless.
God’s Glory Has Been Restored To You
John 17:22 22And the glory which You gave Me I have given them, that they may be one just as We are one:
When God made man, the Bible says that God crowned him with glory and honor. (Psalm 8:5) The word “crowned” here means to encompass or to surround like a glorious circle. The glory of God was therefore man’s clothing. In other words, Adam’s whole being was gloriously radiant.
When man sinned against God, he forfeited the glory of God. (Romans 3:23) But when Jesus Christ was born, the glory of God came down. (Luke 2:9) And many years later, Jesus, before He died, said to His Father, “The glory which You gave Me I have given them, that they may be one just as We are one.” So the glory of God which man forfeited has now been restored to him because Jesus has come. When He died on the cross, He took our shame, gave us His righteousness and restored the glory of God to us. But what exactly is the glory of God? Doxa, the Greek word for “glory” here, means having a good opinion concerning one that results in praise, honor and glory.
This means that in restoring to us His glory, God wants us to have the sense that we are praiseworthy, honorable and glorious because of His constant good opinion of us! Beloved, because God’s glory is on you, there is a weightiness about you. People don’t know why, but their spirits are lifted when they are in your presence. There is something about you that impacts them even if they have only been with you for a short while. When you talk, they listen because there is substance in what you say. Also, because God’s glory is on you, you can expect it to touch every aspect of your life — your finances, relationships, work and health. Your body, for example, will glow with divine health. So my friend, because Jesus has come and restored the glory of God to you, be conscious of God’s constant good opinion of you. Know that there is a weightiness about you and arise, shine!
Thought For The Day When Jesus died on the cross, He took our shame, gave us His righteousness and restored the glory of God to us.

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