Monday, March 6, 2017

It Is Not So True

Oh, how I struggle with prayer and get frustrated when nothing seems to happen.

In essence, I need all the help I can get in this area. Prayer definitely falls into my weakness area.

So I am always on the lookout for something to make a lightbulb moment and this little devotional gets my mind to thinking and so who am I to keep it to myself.

My hope is someone else will find some encouragement who is struggling like me.
Together, we can make a change and give the reason for our hope.

God Bless.

It is not so true that prayer changes things as that prayer changes me, and then I change things; consequently we must not ask God to do what He has created us to do.

For instance, Jesus Christ is not a social reformer; He came to alter us first, and if there is any social reform to be done on earth, we must do it. Prayer is not meant to develop us naturally, it is meant to give the life of the Son of God in us a chance to develop that the natural order may be transfigured into the spiritual. Reflection

Question: How can I achieve the proper balance between praying for something to be done and working to get it done?

Quotations taken from If You Will Ask and The Place of Help, © Discovery House Publishers

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