Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Humble Greatness

I love nothing better than a superhero who can save the world with a single bound leap.

But there is one who I love more than any other. He is not fictional but a real life superhero who can walk on water, calm the seas, and make things out of nothing.

You are never too old to idolize your hero and want to be just like him but the real problem lies in where one puts their hopes into.

The person who deserves your undying love and affection shouldn't be a t.v. star, a rock star, or anyone who puts themselves above anyone else.

Let me introduce you to someone who not only can fascinate a group of kids with His adventures of His life but can make the meanest person you know the most loving.

He won't judge you to harshly, He is the most humbled person you will ever come across, He will love you with an undying love, and He will go to the gave for you and come so that you may have life,

He will free you of all your burdens, make you feel worthy when you, yourself, think your worthless, and most of all, He will build you a home where you can live free of charge for all eternity.

Let me introduce you to the person your soul has been looking for. His name is Jesus and He was, is, and is to come the most important person the world has ever known.

He is waiting patiently to take you by the hand to show you His ways and lead you into a life of humble servitude for others. So, let's start by reading the following little devotional.

God Bless.

Humble greatness

The stories that children probably come to love first about Jesus involve his power. What a miracle worker he is!

Lord of the sea, master of storms, conqueror of disease, victor over demons, raiser of the dead--there is nothing he can’t do. He is the ultimate superhero, cooler even than Batman or Superman.

As you get older, though, you come to appreciate Jesus even more in his acts of humble service. One of the most powerful stories in all of Scripture comes from Maundy Thursday evening. A few hours before his crucifixion, he taught his disciples a memorable lesson about how servant leadership looks. Kneeling before each one, he took a basin of water and a towel and washed their feet. “Do you understand what I have done for you? . . . Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet” (John 13:12,14).

It was by service and suffering that Jesus redeemed us. It is his example of humble service that informs and inspires our attitude each day. Would the people around you say that at least some of the time you look and sound stubborn, proud, or even arrogant? Do you gravitate automatically to an agenda that features your comfort, your wants, your pleasures? What does foot-washing humility look like in your home? Make a list of three examples and do them today.

In Our Place:  Lenten Devotionals From Times Of Grace

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