Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Begin With Submission

God is the master of creation, so, what does that mean for you and me?
He ain't done creating and building our lives for His glory even though we may think He is or we can't see His building.
Let's not loose heart or our faith for although we may have trails and tribulations He is still God, the Creator of everything.
Gos Bless.
"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." (Genesis 1:1)
God's amazing ability to create the universe in perfect harmony and design at His command, demonstrates the amazing power of our great God. The detail of the smallest, most seemingly insignificant creation demonstrates God's abundant love. We are called to submit in worship to the Sovereign God of love and truth, our Creator, in whose image we are made (v. 27). And yet, to know who we really are and what our purpose is, we dare not look to "created things". We must look in faith to the Sovereign God and accept the truth He gives us through His Word. In Him alone we will know who we are and find our purpose.
Psalm 31 App

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