Friday, October 18, 2019

Share Each Other's Burdens

This little devotional is a good encouragement for any who has been married for only a few months to 50 years.
We all know marriage is hard and there are times when you want to slap your spouse just to look at them but you just can't do that unless you want to rock that orange jumpsuit.
So, you need to be remembered at times to be a supportive as much as you can and this little devotional will help you do just that.
God Bless.

Share each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ. (NLT) -Galatians 6:2
Do you know how much burden your spouse is carrying? It’s easier to connect and grow together when hardships and stress are balanced between you and your spouse. Don’t let this tilt too much in either direction. Make an effort to check in and help where you can. If the heavier load is on your end, be mindful of how the imbalance is affecting your love and patience. Then work towards the middle and you will please God.
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