Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The People Of Israel Mingle

Be the light! The world needs light! The world doesn't need people who don't know how to deal with them and their sins so they toss them to the side because they may be a little different than you.
Be the light! And not their judge and jury for heaven is already on it.
God Bless.

The people of Israel mingle with godless foreigners, making themselves as worthless as a half-baked cake! Worshiping foreign gods has sapped their strength, but they don't even know it. (NLT) -Hosea 7:8-9
If you're a believer, you know that non-believers surround us all the time. Instead of being influenced by others to do ungodly things, be a light to others by demonstrating godly behavior. We all have a nemesis, or perhaps a not-so-favorite person. Instead of avoiding them or being short with them, give them a compliment or simply say something nice. In other words, be a light!
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