Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Wolves And Sheep

This is a crazy world we live in and it doesn't appear to be getting any less crazier.
We can loose hope or our way in any direction we take. We can slip up without even really knowing we lost our way.
The only way to keep our heads is to know the word and to keep getting encouragement from little devotional's like this one.
Be encouraged for our God reigns and will keep us as long as we are steadfast in our faith in the One who keeps the sun and moon.
God Bless.

"Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheeps clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves." (Matthew 7:15)
Jesus gives us a word picture here to demonstrate to us the need for spiritual discernment in the church. Men and women need to know the Scriptures and search them like the Bereans did, in order to accurately determine, whether the things being taught are true. Women can be supportive and instrumental with confronting and challenging bad doctrines. This can only be done effectively however when they understand the doctrines themselves and learn God's Word and what it says about dealing with doctrinal discords within the church. The importance and authority of God's Word will be preserved and it will expose wolves in sheep's clothing.
Psalm 31 App

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