Friday, April 3, 2020

Take It All To Jesus

I must say after reading this little devotional is easier said than done. 

I have a tendency to take everything to heart and try to solve things on my own and in the end, my plan usually fails but I keep on doing it. Yes, I never seem to learn.

However, I long for a stronger walk with God that is unwavering and I know I can run to Him with everything and He is going to show up for me. 

But, I've been through to much and if I am honest, it is going to take more than a little devotional to make a difference but yet, I.keep going and growing and hoping that maybe it will at least get better.

And it does. I am and will be forever thankful for little devotional's like the following for it let's me know God hasn't given up on me.

God Bless.

Take It All to Jesus!

In the past couple of weeks, I have done a few things that I regret. I showed extreme impatience in a specific situation, and my behavior was not a good example to my children. I also made a decision and started getting other people involved in my plan, only to realize I didn’t have peace. I also realized I had not even prayed about it; I just acted on my own. Wow! I should have known better in both of these situations.
Do you ever do things and then think, I cannot believe I did that? Realizing our mistakes is the first step toward repentance. Thankfully, we can go to Jesus with all of our failures and weaknesses and be assured that He will never reject us. I am sorry for my foolishness, but I am also very glad that I don’t have to waste several days feeling guilty.
Today, take all of your sins and failures to Jesus. Talk to Him about them openly and honestly, receive His forgiveness, and rejoice that you don’t have to be condemned. I am sure that, like me, you want to change, and God will indeed change us into His image as we continue in His Word and place our trust in Him.


Father, I am sorry for all my sins, and I ask You to strengthen me in every area where I am weak. I am excited about spiritual growth, and I trust You to change me to be more and more like You.

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