Monday, April 27, 2020

Why Is It That

Love this! We can't do this thing called life on our own. We need Him and only He can get us to the other side so we can live our best life.

It is time to let go and let God be God and do His thing.

God Bless

But the people of Israel, who tried so hard to get right with God by keeping the law, never succeeded. (NLT) -Romans 9:31

Why is it that the Israelites never succeeded in getting right with God? It certainly isn't because they didn't try hard enough. It's because they couldn't earn their way. When you begin to think you can work your way in God's favor, watch out. We can't go to church, give enough money, or do enough good to be right in God's eyes. Only faith in God's grace is powerful enough to keep you right with Him. 

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